Eyelash Extensions


Eyelash Extensions – A choice of style

Our beautician offering a range of Eyelash Extension services, with her experience and expertise can offer different styles of Eyelash Extensions to suit any type of person’s needs. Kwan, our beautician using her in-house dedicated treatment room located in Ipswich can make all and any Eyelashes looking absolutely astonishing. Don’t believe us? View our gallery.


But first – how to look after them:

These are individual eyelashes that are applied to your existing lashes and are not the lashes that come in a strip to enable them to be put on at home.

Each individual eyelash is attached to your natural lashes using special fixative so you get a natural looking set of eyelashes.

I have been fitting quality eyelashes now for about 18 years and can supply and fit a range of different styles, lengths and thickness. Following the first full set of lashes that are fitted you will need to come and have an infill session just to replace any lashes that have fallen out be it your own or the fitted ones.

Eyelash Extensions – Natural Look

Our Medium style eyelash Extensions are for those who are looking to make a statement. These Eyelash Extensions not only do this, but they look beautiful, stunning and will blow away the Eyelash competition.

Don’t forget to read about our eyelash infill treatments at the bottom of this page.

Eyelash Extensions can take up to 2 Hours.

Eyelash Extensions – Medium Style

Eyelash Extensions can take up to 2 Hours.

Full Set £35

Eyelash Extensions – Russian Volume

Finally, with our bestselling Eyelash Extensions product our fully qualified beautician hand crafts and tailors each pair of Eyelash Extensions to seamlessly match with your already defining facial features!

Don’t forget to read about our eyelash infill treatments at the bottom of this page.

Eyelash Extensions can take up to 2 Hours.




Eyelash Extensions – Thick Style

Eyelash Extensions can take up to 2 Hours.

Full Set £40

Eyelash Infill Treatment

As time passes as all things your Eyelashes begin to look faded, tired and just not as good as they use to. If you’re looking into getting a subtler way of reviving your eyelashes, why not try our Eyelash infill treatment. Our beautician will again handcraft each individual eyelash and make these fit flawlessly with you’re already perfect looking Eyelashes

Eyelash infills can take between 1-2 Hours.

Eyelash extensions appointments:

1. The initial appointment when the first full set is applied normallytakes about an hour.

2. Infill appointments vary in length depending on how many new lashes need to be fitted but this will normally be a shorter appointment that the first one.

Here’s what happens during these appointments:

1. You lie on our treatment couch so your head is in the perfect position for our beautician to apply the lashes and only starts when you are comfortable.

2. Often some cream is applied before the lash tape is used, it makes it easier to remove the tape or low adhesive tape is used.

3. Our beautician will ask you to look up so the tape can be applied to your bottom lash line.

4. Many customers fall asleep in the comfortable and restful surroundings as the lashes are fitted one by one.

5. When they have all been fitted and checked a hand fan is used to dry the glue.

6. Sometimes the fixative can sting a little but the secret is to make sure you do what your beautician asks especially the bit about keeping still
– put your phone on silent or turn it off during the treatment session.

You can have longer, thicker, natural with many different styles of curl but the beautician will advise you on what will suit you if you are unsure, don’t be afraid to ask.

How to keep them looking great:

1. Be gentle when cleaning your eye area whether you are washing or just removing makeup.

2. Do not pull any loose lashes out.

3. Sometimes you might need to use an eyelash brush just to ensure they look their best.

4. Do not use an eyelash curler.

What does a full set cost?

It depends on the style, length and curl but our beautician will always give you the cost before any treatment starts so you know, the same applies to any infill appointments. These lashes will not require much effort to keep them looking beautiful and will save you time each morning.

If your Eyelashes are looking tired and worn down and you’re fed up with having to reapply your make-up, then why not think about coming down to our Local Ipswich treatment room, were we can give you, lasting natural looking Eyelash Extensions

Eyebrow Maintenance


Eyebrows – A choice of style


Eyebrow Waxing

One of our new services that we offer, Eyebrow Waxing Is a great way to shape and style your eyebrows in skin easy manner. You can make your eyebrows have a beautiful full shape guaranteed to be the envy of your friends.

Waxing can take up to 1 Hour.


Eyebrow Tinting

Another of our new services that we offer. Such a great way to add a new shade to your eyebrows. With this new Eyebrow Tinting, you’ll have that defining look you’ve always hoped for.

Tinting can take up to 1 Hour.




Eyebrow Waxing and Tint

Fancy completely refining your eyebrows, without the need of tattoos? Well why not get our Waxing and Tinting service. We’ll create those eyebrows you’ve always wanted

This procedure can take up to 1 Hour.



Eyebrow Threading

Are your eyebrows getting out of hand? Is plucking your eyebrows too time consuming and painful? Well we have the solutions Eyebrow Threading. It’s quick, easy and fulfils your desire for a fully shaped eyebrows.

This procedure can take up to 1 Hour.